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How are my personal data used for sending newsletters?Updated 2 years ago


 This communication refers to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (“Regolamento”) and related applicable legislation.

The newsletter is sent by email to those who have expressly requested it by filling the form on this page and authorizing BasicItalia S.p.A. with sole proprietor (“Controller”) to process their personal data.

 Purpose of processing

 Personal data provided by users are aimed at sending newsletters related to products baring brands owned by BasicItalia S.p.A. with sole proprietor

Data processing procedures

Personal data will be processed with paper-based and/or digital tools, and with security measures
adequate at guaranteeing the safety and privacy of your personal data,
according to current legislation.

 Legal Basis for Processing

 The legal basis for data provision is derived from the concerned party’s consent.

 Data retention

In accordance with the principles of proportionality and necessity, the data will not be stored for periods longer than those necessary to achieve the aims listed above. 

Mandatory Data Provision

Data provision is optional, but in its absence it will be impossible to provide the newsletter service.

Data Communication and Sharing

Personal data gathered for the purpose stated above will not be communicated or shared with third parties. Personal data may be viewed by authorised processing officers employed by the Company.

If necessary to carry out maintenance activities related to the technical side of the website, data related to the newsletter service may be processed by subjects invested with maintenance duties.

A list of data processing external supervisors has been published on the Controller’s website.

Processing controller

Processing controller is BasicItalia S.p.A. with sole proprietor, located in Turin, Strada della Cebrosa 106, 10156.

 Rights of concerned parties

 The subjects personal data refers to have the right to obtain at any moment confirmation whether data regarding them is being processed, and if that is the case may access the data and information referred to in art. 15 of Regulations, to obtain a copy of said data or relative rectification (art. 15 and 16).

Subjects concerned may also request data deletion, processing limitation, mobility and to complain to overseeing authority and oppose, for legitimate reasons, their processing (art. 17).

These rights may be exerted via written communication to be sent to: [email protected]


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